Here though, the trick works quite nicely, and adds an exhilarating sense of physical danger to the shoot-outs. Propeller heads will probably find it distracting and inauthentic, and weirdly, it reminds me of Namco's forgotten 1995 footie game, J-League Prime Goal EX, in which the camera would adopt a behind-the-shoulder view for every tackle, allowing players to try to outsmart each other in a quick QTE-style mini-game. In this view, the camera shakes, the action is fast and close it's as if Marcus Fenix has donned a jet pack.

The idea is to get away from that whole "shooting at distant dots" thing that people hate about air combat sims. When a plane is in your reticule, you can press the two shoulder buttons to go into a sort of iron sight over-the-shoulder view, which also zooms in on your target, making it easier to strafe them with gunfire and missiles. The key new innovation here is the dogfight (or "close-range assault" mode.