Free downloads viber for android
Free downloads viber for android

free downloads viber for android

Users might want to consider limiting the app to 3G data usage if using the network data is required. While the app can function using a data plan on the phone, it is preferable to use WiFi since certain features of the app can use more data than simply calling over the network. The audio quality is surprisingly adequate considering it uses nothing but an internet connection. The app will populate with the contact list so you don't have to manually enter the information yourself. Once you've downloaded Viber on your Android smartphone, you can allow it to access the list of contacts saved to your device. New stickers can be purchased in the sticker store to let users customize their conversations even further. Text messages have emoji compatibility, and users can tag items with specific info or stickers to make them more shareable. Users can send photos, text, video, voice, and even locations. Viber has a user interface that is incredibly intuitive and provides many features that are unique to the platform. The only requirement is access to an internet connection. The app is designed to let users make free internet calls and send free text messages over the internet. You can broadcast messages to multiple contacts, pin them to the top of your group chat screen, share your actual location and more.Those who are familiar with the popular communications app called Skype will easily understand Viber, which is quite similar in both functionality and appeal.Calling to Landlines, non-Viber users or people who are offline now is low-cost.With their help, you can find needed links and any other types of content faster. Chat Extensions will make your communication easier.Express your mood and emotions with ease. There are countless amount of GIFs and 35 000+ different stickers on Viber Messenger.

free downloads viber for android

After message is read it can be deleted automatically both from yours and your recipient’s devices.

  • Secret chats with self-destruct timer option are represented.
  • Access of third persons to your data is excluded. All the content you operate through the app is safe due to end-to-end encryption policy. Text free messages, share images, GIFs, stickers, audio and video files. It supports international communication and group chat mode for up to 250 members.

    free downloads viber for android

    It has more than 1 billon of active users from across the world. Viber Messenger is a free, easy-to-use and safe app for messaging and calling with high quality of connection.

    Free downloads viber for android